Solid State Decoupler
Solid State Decoupler

I. Overview
  With the more and more extensive use of cathodic protection technology for buried steel pipelines, the stability of the cathodic protection system has also attracted much attention.
  However, electromagnetic interference is ubiquitous in real production life, and the influence of electromagnetic interference on pipeline cathodic protection system also exists. Because electromagnetic interference causes cathodic protection function failure, accelerated corrosion, damage to the applied current equipment cases are common, so the solution to the interference problem has become one of the very important issues in the cathodic protection system. 
  Usually, the solution of electromagnetic interference is to install discharge device on the pipeline, which can effectively solve the electromagnetic interference problem and limit the pipeline potential to a reliable level. However, there are some problems with the existing current discharge device, for example, it can only tolerate electromagnetic interference with a relatively small amplitude, and it cannot solve the interference of strong energy such as direct lightning current and induced lightning current.
Solid state de-coupler can well solve the high voltage line fault ground short-circuit current, high voltage line on the upper end of the lightning line by lightning introduction of ground current, train through the railroad when the stray current. This product can protect the over-voltage or over-current generated by the above situations on the cathodic protection of pipelines, prevent pipelines from electromagnetic interference and aggravate corrosion, and play an effective role in protecting pipeline equipment.
II.Performance Parameters

No.1 building, Saigao Guoji, Weiyang Economic-Technological Development Area,Xi'an City, Shannxi, China
Tel:0086-029-38066078     Hotline: 0086-18691833098      web: www.kiganode.com