Magnesium Cast Anode
Magnesium Anodes
Having the highest driving voltage (most negative electrochemical potential) of all the materials used for sacrificial anodes, magnesium anodes are an effective and economical sacrificial anode solution used primarily in soil or aqueous environments where the electrolyte resistivity is expected to be higher than average.

By creating an easier and more attractive source of oxidation, magnesium anodes prevent or slow down the rusting of steel structures that they are connected to. Magnesium anodes are widely used for cathodic protection of on-shore pipelines and fresh water vessels such as river or canal boats.

Cast Bare Magnesium Anode
Magnesium anodes are a widely used solution for corrosion control when impressed current cathodic protection is not an appropriate or feasible option for the intended facilities.

Bare magnesium anodes are most commonly used anode for applications in soil. The greater negative potential of the magnesium anode results in a high driving voltage which allows the anode to supply sufficient protection to underground steel structure in soil with medium to high resistivity (1,000 – 10,000 Ω·cm).

Our bare magnesium anode is usually made into two types with differing electrode potential (relative to Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode). They can be used to protect most buried metallic structures found in a range of soil resistivities. High potential magnesium anode are often utilized in dry or resistant earth, or where increased current is needed due to a poorly coated tank. Standard potential magnesium anodes perform well in corrosive soil, if the tank is well coated, and in this case will last longer than the high potential alloy.

No.1 building, Saigao Guoji, Weiyang Economic-Technological Development Area,Xi'an City, Shannxi, China
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